Quiting quilt at 3 months
I'm thinking about drying up my milk supply & using my freezer stash then going to formula.. I'm just having super bad mom guilt. My LO is 3 months old & I am a oversupplier. I feel like it's too early, I feel like a failure if I stop, what if formula doesn't sit in her tummy well? Just so many questions and what ifs.
I'm a mess thinking about stopping, but I want my time back, my bras, not having to pump at work.. and most importantly to be able to spend more time with her now that she's more active. I just feel like I am always hooked up to the machine, or washing pump parts. She eats basically everytime I pump so I miss holding her while she eats.. I'm just so full of emotions about this.
Tips on how to dry up & how to help with my mom guilt.