Almost 14 weeks pp and supply hasn't regulated. I can't do this anymore.
I don't know what to do. Everything I've read online has told me that my supply should be regulated by 12 weeks, but that just hasn't been my experience. My breasts still feel full, I still leak frequently and get clogs, and I haven't had a "stable output", whatever that means.
I held out for the last few months hitting 7-8 pumps a day hoping that once I did I could drop a pump or have at least one 6-hour stretch to get some uninterrupted sleep. Recently I haven't been able to fall back asleep after my MOTN pump and it's killing me. By the time I finally resettle my husband's gym alarm goes off and I'm up for the day.
Everything I've read says if you drop pumps or go too long between pumps before you regulate, it's possible to see a significant drop in supply. I don't want that, not after I held out for so long hoping to avoid it. But I'm so exhausted. I don't know much more lying wide awake waiting for my next pump I have left in me.
Does it really take longer than 12 weeks to regulate for some women? Where's the light at the end of the tunnel here? I'm so tired.