The many small indignities of being an undersupplier
*The milk collection bottles don't even have a marking for the amount you produce so you have to estimate
*Other women post wondering if it's "even worth it" to pump for the amount you were proud to achieve one day
*Lactation consultants say things like "so you're five days postpartum, you're seeing like 3 oz then?" when it's more like 10 ml
*Bonus, lactation consultants assume you're stupid and have been pumping once or twice a day ("ok mama you need to pump more often") when you've been pumping around the clock
*You skip a pump to sleep hoping the next one will be greater volume but it's the same
*You see posts saying "I'm sooo stressed about my supply - I only have 200 oz left in the freezer!" when you've literally never put anything in the freezer
*You spend a shitton on products and supplements and see no difference
*You get the double whammy of paying for all the pumping supplies and formula too
*This one might be just for me: you deal with clogged ducts and engorgement without the commensurate supply (hate this one)
Who can relate?
Edit: can't believe I forgot this one - you try a bunch of oatmeal cookies and other foods to boost supply and nothing happens except that you gain 7 lbs. That felt really nice. Appreciating the solidarity I'm seeing in the comments!