Sometimes I get so tired of pumping
I know I am very lucky and privileged to produce milk to feed my son, but as we get closer to 7 months pp, some days I just wish I could just not pump at all.
I'm going back to work in January so I know there is a risk of losing my supply then. I know logically I've done the most challenging part and already reached my 6 months pumping goal, anything more is a bonus. I also found a pump that empties me much faster than the Medela Symphony and I've moved to 4 ppd so it is less of a time consuming activity. Still, I wish I could use this time to nap or do something fulfilling.
I'm still planning on continuing for as long as I can, especially as there are some pros for breastfeeding moms when I will be going back to work: I will have a full hour taken on my work time to pump but will be paid the same, my management is happy with me keeping a 80% WFH/20% office schedule as they want to limit the need for dedicated room and fridges, and most importantly I work in IT and I can't be put on call at all because I'm feeding my baby (disclaimer: I'm not in the US).
Just needed to put that off my chest whilst I do my afternoon pump. I'm a bit tired.