Feedback: this game is ALMOST fun (very close!)
This is just my experience trying this out, all critics are constructively intended. This game has LOTS of very cool experimental ideas but the way they are implemented just over complicates things and make struggling with the controls harder than the game itself which is... not fun... simply.
I really get it, being physical. At first there is the novelty factor, walking around like a drunken 2 years old bumping and tumbling on stuff. But once this quickly wears of it just becomes a painful struggle to do the most basic moves. I have some real life martial arts experience so I made an arena character with a quarterstaff (bo) to try it out. One thing I missed is a "free", no consequences, chose your equipment and adversary mode to try out different things quickly, without having to bother with a company or a dungeon. Just plain straight out fights one after another and some tutorial fights in which you take no damage, so you can be beaten until "you get it". This is a new concept, so I need more ways to try it and see if I like it or not.
When I managed to do what I wanted to do, It was very satisfying, doing big circular movements with the staff, whacking with the both parts of the weapon, lots of potential for fun fights, taking down multiple opponents. But the controls feel too unpredictable, unresponsive and not fluid at all. This is because everything is relative to the player and cursor position, everything keeps changing and mixing the mouse and keyboard movement during fight mode just causes me a sensory overload. It quickly stops being fun to being annoying and disengaging.
The problem I feel is that the player is forced to control head (camera), hands and feet all at once with purposeful movement of the SAME mouse cursor. And you can mostly do one thing well at the same time. In life most of these actions are just tied to different parts of the body, in the game I just have to use mostly one hand! You have to walk around the cursor in combat mode but you have also to move the cursor to attack so every attack I just lost orientation for the keyboard movement because thing became visualy different all the time. I mean "WASD" meant left, but then became right, then left, then up, then down, then ???? What am I even doing, I want to move the other way! Stops to think *drops dead after hit*. The current controls feel a convoluted mess. I'm struggling more with the controls than with the opponent!!!
What I wanted quickly to do and wish was an option but couldn't (and so dropped the game in frustration) was:
1) Make camera the usual fixed third person back camera, automatic, no need to waste attention controlling it, cursor always in the middle of the screen. There is already a lot to control! Top down movable RPG camera just feels awful for this kind of game where distance and spacial awareness is so important, it's adequate for dumb "one click does all" hacker slash action RPGs. This is nothing like the typical RPG. Camera angle and distance could be adjusted for desired position, but always fixed in relation to the character.
2) Consistent WASD movement: now that the camera is fixed, directions can also be visually constant: "W" always means forward, "A" left, "D" right, "S" backward. No more mouse for walking, mouse becomes for attack only! Other keys ("Shift", "Ctrl") can be used to change move speed to make it faster or slower.
But woudn't this limit the cursor too much? The way I'd solve it would be:
3) In normal mode, movement like the typical FPS game, WASD for walking, cursor always in the middle of the screen, mouse moves the character face direction; in combat mode, WASD moves still around a point. But I wish I could make it possible "Lock-on" around an enemy in the sight with a button. Pehaps "Tab" locks on the enemy in the center of the screen aim. Kind of like "Zelda Ocarina of Time" N64 lock on. Now on this mode I would give the cursor some area in the center of the screen where it can move freely be moved without rotating the character facing direction, for making the attack moves. It would also add more directions for attacks, kind of like in "Mount and Blade" games. Not only left and right, but also up down, diagonal, 8 potential directions for swings and thusts! You could borrow a lot from "Mount and Blade" combat. Moving the cursor further would rotate character facing direction, "Q" and "E" could also be used for rotation without changing the WASD "lock on" center of movement.
4) Left mouse button and move for swings as it is, Right mouse button and move for thrusts, super quick and simple.
This way control can be made simple without reducing the complexity of the movements and possibility of interactions. Easy camera, consistent walking, cursor free to better interact with the enviroment. I want to fight against the world, not against control design choices! The way it is I definitively do not recommend buying it but it does hurts because of the wasted potential. Make the controls easier and intuitive or at least give us inept players alternatives to enjoy the game too! I really want to see this game improve, even if just as a arena match game.
P.S.: I do miss the ability to wrestle! I often found that I was just hugging my opponent as I bumped discoordinately, to close to launch even a 1 inch punch! It was hilarious, but I wish I could have taken advantage of it by wrestling and taking him down! Some clinch work, grappling and take downs would make it a lot fun!