PvE AI unfun to interact with. Can't make feedback about it on the official BSG forums. [Discussion]

I've tried to post this on the official Escape from Tarkov BSG forums, but they seem to have disabled posting around October 9th of 2024 because there have been no new posts on the English forums since then.

I've said this before, but interacting with the current iteration of the AI that handles responding to noise / gunshots is extremely unfun.

Currently when you kill a scav or ai pmc and make any unsuppressed noises (scav's yelling, unsuppressed gunshots, explosions, etc.) the game starts spawning extra scavs and ai pmc's in a small radius around where the noise occurred. Those npc's begin homing in on wherever that noise occurred, which is usually right on top of the corpses you're about to loot. The new spawns make more noise, which spawns more npc's, and eventually if you don't rotate out one of the AI will get a lucky (head, eyes) or (head, nape) and that ends your run. This is further complicated by the game's wonky audio, which means even if you keep your head on a swivel one of the AI can walk up basically on top of you, chuck a silent grenade, and start lighting you up without you having more than a moment to react.

Can we tone down how aggressive the AI spawning in response to stimuli is? Like, I agree that chucking a grenade should probably summon a pretty enthusiastic response from the ai, but a shout or couple unsuppressed shots from startling a scav in a bush really shouldn't result in a DEFCON 4 level reaction.