[Discussion] Bosses should be able to spawn mid/late raid

I've read at least half a dozen of these posts about boss spawn rates being low, and I understand the frustration behind them, since I'm in the same boat hunting them.

Although, in my opinion, better spawn rates will not solve the core issue with bosses in Tarkov, which is that after the boss is killed (in the first 5 minutes), there is no incentive for PMCs to stay in the raid for longer periods—or at all if the boss didn’t spawn. Raids are now simply about running and checking if the boss has spawned; if not, extract, rinse, and repeat. It all comes down to where you spawn, which makes the running competition to the sawmill in Woods just overall hilarious.

I'd love to entertain myself with this godforsaken M700 with a shitty TAC30 scope in a Woods raid for a longer time if there were something to wait for. Maybe even try to get some kills for Swift One with it if there were a chance that Shturman could spawn later into the raid. I'd much rather loot and try to get some kills than watch the loading screen while the HDD bois load the map for 5 minutes, just to have that running competition all over again.

I've seen some suggestions for "calling in" the bosses with flares earlier in this sub, and that would be so cool.
Hell, you could even bring in some new cool mechanics, like a boss entering a map with the BTR (I'm looking at you, Streets of Tarkov trailer).

Would the bosses be camped if they spawned later in the raid? Absolutely.
Would that break the game? Absolutely not. It would probably cause some interesting firefights later in the raid, which are usually only seen in the first 10 minutes.

If you've ever hunted cultists late wipe, you know this is already kind of implemented with them, since they can spawn mid-raid. I've already made my peace with the fact that boss kills will forever be my last quests before acquiring Kappa; the only thing that'll change is which boss it is.

Overall, if this change were made, speedrunners could still speedrun for boss spawns, and more casual players could engage the bosses at the end of the raid if all the chads have already extracted.

What do you guys think?