Stop downplaying the issues

It's so funny to watch these dick sucking BSG fanboys scramble around trying make up excuses for the games state after UNDENIABLE proof has been released for how terrible the game is. The excuses range from blaming the players for being bad that they are not just killing the cheaters to saying "I haven't had any cheaters kill me all wipe hurr durr" How stupid can you be to watch the video where he literally explains that all the hacks he saw were radar and esp and goes on to explain that it's almost impossible to detect when someone is using wallhacks and esp because it's so difficult to judge if it's legit or not and then say "Yeah I have never died to a hacker".

Don't listen to the bullshit. The game is completely broken. If you want to play a broken game and are having fun then by all means please don't let anyone get in the way of your enjoyment. But to deny the games in total disarray is willful ignorance.