Weird treatment at current barn… is this normal?

EDIT to add: Wow, first off, thank you to EVERYONE who has responded with words of encouragement, advice, and even expectation-setting feedback. Some great discussions are being had. I have noticed that a lot of people might think I was roping fellow riders into my complaint, but that’s definitely not the case! By “people at the barn,” I meant to refer to the owner and the trainers (specifically my trainer) — sorry, I should have been more clear on that! In fact, most of the other riders I’ve interacted with have been extremely kind. I definitely don’t expect special treatment from fellow patrons who are just there to ride, but I do kind of expect the people I’m paying to put in a little effort to make me feel welcome is what I was really trying to say.

I recently started taking western riding lessons (like 6 lessons in), and while I absolutely love it and have been having tons of fun, I also feel like… unsure about my experience with the PEOPLE at the barn I ride at. I’ve heard that people in the equestrian world have more of an aloof and/or direct, no-BS attitude so maybe what I’m experiencing is normal. But as I get more invested in riding, I want to connect with the humans of the sport too and I’m starting to get insecure that these people don’t like me or something...

The other week, I realized that the barn/business owner had been present at most of my lessons. I didn’t even realize it was her until someone called her by name, at which point I took it upon myself to introduce myself (she never greeted me or anything when I showed up for my first lesson, so I assumed she hadn’t been around). When I did so, she didn’t even look up from her phone, just kinda gave me a halfhearted “hello”.

And every time I show up for my lessons, I say hi and good morning to everyone, smile, try to involve myself in conversations, ask questions about their lives, etc, but no one really seems interested in engaging with me. My instructor never greets me, just shouts at me which horse I’ll be on that day. She never says bye when I leave either… sometimes she just straight up disappears after. There are small moments where we have fun during my lesson, but it’s always initiated by me. And the other half of the time, she kind of……. berates me, for lack of a better word 😂 Not like, super harshly but stuff like if I ask which side of a barrel I’m supposed to go to (because I just started learning the pattern), she’ll say stuff like “You just did it, how do you not remember?!”

I know I’m focusing on the bad, but I never walk away from a lesson feeling discouraged or wanting to quit (even if it’s a tough lesson). I’m generally a very easygoing, positive person and I try not to attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by social awkwardness. Plus I’m pretty sure everyone, (including the owner) is under the age of 25. My instructor is probably like 18-20. So it could very well just be because they’re teenagers.

I’m not expecting them to treat me like I’m their best friend or anything, and I’m 29 so it’s not like I want to be close pals with anyone that young anyway, but it would be nice to feel like I’m welcomed. I think my main issue comes from the fact that I AM so excited and I want to engage and learn more. But I feel like I’m being overly cautious about asking questions or asking for anything because everyone feels so closed off. It’s intimidating!

I have a few intro lessons scheduled with a different trainer at a new barn just to see, and I applied to be a volunteer at a ranch that does equine therapy so I’m hoping to develop new skills and meet some nice people that way. But I’m not sure how to approach this situation at my current barn, so any insight into this world and equestrian-people etiquette would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!