Let me address my opinion on this…

So I considered perspectives from both sides including the backlash Sierra’s stories and characters got. While I understand the issue that her stories that is published on a platform with mostly young teenage audiences might have an influence but we can’t overlook the role personal accountability plays in how young people interpret media. By their teenage years they should have the critical thinking skills to distinguish right from wrong especially when it comes to recognizing harmful behaviours such as those portrayed by villains in fiction.

DJ the 15yr old. Based on the screenshots I’ve seen he clearly doesn’t take serious matters seriously. While it’s tempting to excuse his behavior with “he’s just a kid” or “he doesn’t know better” that excuse falls flat in today’s world and society literally. Teens are constantly exposed to a wealth of information on social media and by now they should have developed a sense of morality and common sense. Actions have consequences and it’s vital that someone holds him accountable to prevent him from continuing down this path unchecked. If no one teaches kids like him the value of respect we’re literally looking at a grim future shaped by a lack of discipline, responsibility and empathy guys…

Before anyone says “It’s not your job to discipline these kids😠🤬”let’s be real now y’all… if no one steps up, who will? While it’s not your responsibility to raise someone else’s child society has a role in holding people accountable. Ignoring bad behavior only enables it.

Let’s not forget that many of us who are older were raised with firm discipline. lectures, consequences and yes sometimes tough love that instilled in us the values we carry today. Blaming Sierra’s stories or any other external influence for a child’s lack of judgment is just an excuse. Media might play a role, but ultimately people. Even teenagers are responsible for their own actions and choices.

In my opinion, DJ appears to think his behavior makes him look cool. I’ve seen that he’s coded a few months back of fisting a girl and then eating her blood then now he wants to edit a r@pist This isn’t just about a lack of maturity it reflects an alarming sense of entitlement and a disregard for serious topics. Society needs to draw firm boundaries and correct behaviors like his before they escalate. Hate on Sierra’s stories or characters all you want but that doesn’t excuse anyone from lacking common sense and basic respect. The bottom line is that we can critique media but we can’t use it as a scapegoat for poor choices. At the end of the day accountability matters and it’s time to start enforcing it.