I quit my 9-5 today
After 2 years of hard dedication to ecommerce working everyday (never skipping a day or taking weekends off), I managed to pull off a salary to pay all bills + more. I went up to the boss today (who was a fantastically nice boss though) and told him I am quitting.
I am now working from home & I will be working 14 hours a day to make sure I don't go looking for a 9-5 job soon again.
Cliché: It is possible people, I did it, many others did it, you can if you seriously try.
Sacrifices: Limited contact with friends, not buying fancy clothes or items (everything i own is cheapest 2nd hand shit as long as it fulfills its duty), sacrificed momentary pleasure for longterm.
Did I do everything perfect? No I didn't get any sales for the first 10 months basically, I just kept on reconfiguring, learning. That's the value you can create out of thin air to then turn it into monetary rewards.
When you're a beginner: Everyone is your teacher, when you get to a certain point, you have to noise cancel out most people, because they can distract you & give terrible advice. I only listen to millionaires advice now, not youtube business gurus, even if they aren't in my niche.
Was everything uphill? At a long enough time frame, and you're putting in the work, you're going up whether it's in knowledge or cash. Short term, you might go down a month or 2, then you blink and on month 3 you doubled in revenue.
Why did I quit my job at friday the 13th? It was by accident I didn't look at what date it was until my boss said "out of all days, why do you quit on this one".