How ChatGPT helped me to actually commit to an idea

I am so HAPPY!!! I finally created something that is actually useful for people and even got my first paying customer. ChatGPT helped me stay on track even when things got tough and helped me reach my goals.

I'm the type of person who always has tens of ideas running through their head, I get excited about them, share it with my friends, tell my mum how expensive trip I am going to take her on and all that stuff (sure you've been there too). But I'll be honest: it's tough to stay motivated when the roadblocks start piling up. More often than not, I would start working on an idea, researching and building it for a few weeks, and then... stop. Maybe it was a technical issue that I couldn't solve or a marketing challenge that I didn't know how to overcome. Whatever it was, I just couldn't seem to keep going.

The same thing would have happened again if it wasn't for ChatGPT. A few months ago I started building a web app then the problems started arising. How can I connect a database to it, how should I get a tiktok video's caption, what platform should I use for deployment etc. Questions that had been answered millions of times yet it takes a lot of time for a not so technical folk to figure out an answer suitable for his exact needs. And that's when ChatGPT helped me. Sometimes it gave the exact answer tailored to my needs. Other times, as it turns out, all I needed was the 700 word useless jargon it spat out to spark the idea for the solution.

If you keep quitting your side projects I would advise give ChatGPT a try. It won't solve your problems for sure, but its answers will get you thinking and you won't have to stare at a blank page ever again. Tell it what problem you are facing or ask it what sould be the next step in order to achieve your goal. Maybe it's the missing piece you need!:)

For anyone interested: I built which turns Tiktok and Youtube recipe videos to actual text recipes.