Post Laproscopy Question
Hi! For those of you who have had a laparoscopy, I am currently a month post op (as of christmas day tomorrow) and have some worries!
I had a diagnostic and excision surgery to remove endo on my right ovary and bowel which had fused my intestines to my back and to my uterus (and to itself lol). I also had the mirena coil fitted.
Over all recovery has been… interesting. I was feel much better overall last week but have now randomly been having huge debilitating period pains? I’m back up and moving but these have really set me back. Just wondering if this is normal post-op or if it’s to do with the mirena. I am also SUPER bloated!
Thanks guys xox
For all those who commented on this post - thank you so much. It means so much to have a community like this xx