Saturn 3 Ultra leaked resin into screen without any holes or damage to ACF film.
Have been printing regularly for a couple of months with no issue. Today the last print came out as a single 2mm thick rectangle of solid resin. After removing the resin tank I noticed there is resin under the screen’s black protective tape. I cleaned the tank and I can see no holes or ruptures in the fabric-installed ACF film. I suspect the resin leaked through a faulty ACF film installation. Wrote to elegoo service to check and see if I can get this under warranty.
Screen is now dead? I guess? When I test the screen I can barely see the dark squares in the “chess” test. Any way to fix the screen? Or will I definitely need to replace?
Any recommendations or advice? I thought I was good to print some time with the installed ACF film. It was working fine until the screen gave up. Definitely adding a screen protector next time but I am not sure that would have helped here since there was no film or screen damage.