Any advice on getting into elden ring as someone who failed to do so multiple times before?
Elden ring has been something I’ve been trying to get into for a while, over the last 2 years I started 2 separate playthroughs, getting as far as volcano manor in one of them before stopping because of my feeling of not being connected enough with the game, the only other Fromsoft game I played was Sekiro, I found it really enjoyable though I know it’s completely different from the other ones.
I know this might be a case of the game just not being for me but every time I see people praising it it hurts to not have actually gone through the whole thing, I would like to try again and see if maybe now I’ll be more successful (I’d say I improved quite a bit as a gamer in general since my last attempt) but I’ve forgotten pretty much everything aside from a few bosses and location, any advice on how to approach this?