Looking to buy Elantra N HELP

Hi! 28M looking to own my first car ever, just need some advice or heads up. Been driving hand me downs my entire life and my CRV that got passed down to be is finally on its last leg(wheel) with 220k+ miles. I've been looking at the elantra N since its debut in 2021 have been kinda obsessed with it, even joining this sub while not owning one. I found the exact transmission and color I've been looking for at a local Hyundai dealer.

CPO Elantra N in PB, 9,970 miles, listed at $30,625.

Is this a good deal? I did some research on the valuation with gave me varying prices:

KBB: $31k

Edmunds: $27k

Not sure if I messed up the input details but i think $30,625 is solid pricing and was hoping to maybe negotiate to a flat $30k but I'm not pressed about it.

Being how I've never owned a car and had to make car payments or figure out insurance, where do I start? I am planning on calling within the week and scheduling a test drive, but is there any idea on what my monthly payment would be with a decent credit score(800+)?