Ask r/EDD (for the month of January 2025)
This is an unofficial subreddit! Omit any personal information! And do not ever ask people to PM you for any reason! This will result in an immediate, permanent ban. Please report any such scammers.
There are some EDD staff who check here, but no one who is legit will ever encourage messaging them privately. Please be sure to read the r/edd sidebar in full: 👉
In case your question gets buried by all of the other content on here, feel free to use this post for more visibility to ask/answer questions or receive/provide help with anything involving California's Employment Development Department. Content here is sorted by new
so the newest top-level comments will always be shown just below.
If your question was not answered in a previous post, please feel free to re-comment it here. To find posts from earlier months, please run a search in r/edd for author:AutoModerator