Research participation: I am doing some research on how Coronavirus and lockdown have affected people’s experiences of living with an eating disorder
Hi – I am doing some research on how Coronavirus and lockdown have affected people’s experiences of living with an eating disorder and I would very much like to talk to you about your experience, if you can spare me the time. If you would like to participate by sharing your experiences, please respond to the following question through commenting or emailing:
“How has Coronavirus and quarantine affected your experience of living with an eating disorder?”
You may wish to discuss changes to symptoms, relapse and recovery, loneliness, anxiety, depression, boredom, effects on exercise and views of food, the media, social support, and access to treatment etc. These are only suggested topics if you would like to participate but are struggling on where to start :) Answers will remain anonymous. Please follow the link (to Box) to access the participant information sheet (for more information about the study), the consent form, and the debrief sheet: If you decide to participate, please complete the consent form and email it to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Read the debrief sheet afterwards for sources of support and further information. Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
I would really appreciate it!
Thank you, Leona.