Danielle J Hutton, leader of #THE_DRAGONS_D3N, is a stalker, a scammer, a junkie, fame fag, who also has an unhealthy obsession with a young man since he was the age of 14 years old named Razor. Danielle exposed this young child to child porn and forced him to make contact with minor attracted person is known as maps.
This young kid’s reward for loyalty and obedience he was cast to the side and slandered as a pedo for calling Danielle out on her bullshit along with the rest of #TH3_DRAGONS_D3N. Not to mention Danielle has also claimed to be a child sexual abuse victim yet changes her story frequently to the point where it’s concluded the rape never happened.
Danielle runs a store on Etsy and sells amateurish artwork and cheap jewelery as well under the promise that 35% of the profit will go to charities helping child sexual abuse victims. Danielle has yet to show proof of any of this except fraudulent receipts from PayPal and supplies for paint from Walmart.
When Danielle is not exposing children to CP or putting them in contact with pedophiles, Danielle is either at County fair’s approaching young unattended children to talk to them about CP. If she’s not doing that then she’s probably at home watching CP herself.
Danielle also has the nasty habit of sending multiple men nude pictures and videos of her all while living at the home of her boyfriends mother in Pullman Washington while she’s on disability, running a store whether it is in her sisters name or not and keeping the proceeds is in fact disability fraud and social security fraud, not to mention tax evasion if not declared on tax return. This also takes money from those who truly need it. It’s time this bitch gets called out, here you go Dani BB #EnjoyTheShow😎🍿