Best/funniest commander to clone?

I recently built a [[Sefris of the hidden ways]] cycling deck which is fantastic fun to play. Since her triggered ability has a "only once each turn" restriction I decided to help her out with some cloning. [[Sakashima of a Thousand Faces]], [[Spark Double]], stuff like that.

This got me thinking about building a deck centered completely around cloning your commander. The only aim is getting a dozen or more copies of you commander, probably by getting rid of the legend rule and then just clone away.

But which commander would be a good fit for this? I'm not necessarily looking for pure value or power, and I rather have a commander that on its own does something fun or interesting, but when you scale it up to having 12 of them the fun/interesting factor skyrockets.

The commander obviously needs Blue in its identity, since the vast majority of clone cards are blue. Black or Red is probably a good include in its color identity too?

I know that "fun and interesting" is very subjective, which is why I wanna hear what you guys would go for. Which one would you pick for a "Oops, all (Commanders name)!" deck?