Commanders that have disappointed you or you have been unable to make work?
Which are the commanders that you though would be great on paper, started to build (maybe even bought cards for them) and then realized would not work, or have tried to play them again and again without ever having success?
For me, these are my 3 biggest failures.
- [[Lilah, undefeated skillshot]]: On paper, she seems like a perfect storm commander: you play multicolored izzet instants and sorceries, she plots them, then you unleash all the plotted spells on a single turn to get your storm count high. In practice, i found that there are simply not enough izzet instants and sorceries: you have 70 to choose from. Which means that to fill the deck with the 30 or so you will need, you will be obliged to fill it with a lot of terrible cards, that on top of being bad, are also not that great in terms of your gameplan (because you have to prioritize low cmc cards).
- [[Clavileño, first of the blessed]]: Compared to Lilah, i feel that Clavileño IS playable... but he is so, so, clunky. He gives you good value: a card and 4/3 flyer when a vampire dies is a good rate, but hell, he is uncomfortable to play, for a lack of a good way of explaining it. It is like it has this weird game plan that mixes aristocrats and aggro in a way that means you will rarely have all the pieces you need on the board. Like, you are planning to go for an aggro plan, but your opponents simply don't care about your low cmc vampires and won’t block them, so they never die and you don't get the tokens. Or you get the cards that are great with the aristocrat plan, but you can't attack with them while creating the board, so when you are ready for them to die, they are not demons yet...
Plus, he cares about attacking and aggro in a color combination that doesn't really promote that, and doesn't really give you ways to close the game that way. He would have been so much better in Rakdos. Instead, you end with a handful of 4/3s, that seem good on paper, but withour support can't really close the game.
Plus, he has this weird game pattern were you play vampire A on turn 2, play Clavileño on 3 and attack with vampire A, turning him into a demon, and then, on turn 4, you play vampire B, but have to either stop attacking, meaning you are not progressing your gameplan, or attack with Clavileño, a 2/2 with no evasion, that is going to die in combat almost for sure... him having menace, deathtouch of flying would make breaking this weird play pattern so much easier.
- [[Millicent, restless revenant]]. My first commander, which was a present from a friend, so for me, making her work was partially a bit of a sentimental issue. but she is SO SLOW.
She is one of those commanders that only seem playable at low level pods. Getting a single spirit killed puts this huge wrench on your plans, because not only reduces the effectivity of your commander by reducing the number of spirits that can attack when you hit the board, it also increases her mana cost by one.
I have had games were the game ended with me being unable to cast her, and is not like she is this game ending threat either, the payoff for casting her is normally 2 to 4 1/1s. It is a damn shame that she is the only real alternative for a spirit commander in those colors.
I am currently brewing a [[Shilgengar, sire of famine]] mass reanimation deck, but i am starting to feel like he is trying to do too many things at once, and that the lack of good low cmc angels is going to be a huge issue.