Fun Commanders only

So after a whole night at my LGS with none of my decks performing, I've come to a realization that I'm no longer having fun with most of my decks.

I've decided to go scorched earth, tear down all of my decks and rebuild from scratch. (keeping 2-3 for sentimental reasons)

So I want y'alls fun decks, Decks that are satisfying to play, and have a clear and satisfying wincon. I know that different people have different definitions of fun, but that's kind of the point. My 20 decks are no longer fun and I would like to see what y'all have.

I will go first: [[Eivor, Wolf-Kissed]] Good old Naya fun. She is a beast. Basically Gishath, but for sagas, Cheats out a high cmc saga for free and an untapped land. I end the game with <20 cards in my library almost any time and I have a blast doing it.

Commander damage is my favorite wincon and she fulfils it every time. (not looking for just commander damage decks, to be clear)

TL;DR: What's your most fun commander deck and why?