Budget friendly answers to Cyclonic Rift

Cyclonic Rift is a card I'm going up against more and more playing commander and I'm finding answering it more and more difficult.

Outside of blue I know of only a few effects that can deal with this card. Duress isn't necessarily going to be viable as it can be drawn at any time so dealing with it on the stack is vital.

Teferi's protection averages from £25-40 and is currently the only way to completely prevent cyclonic Rift outside of counterspells.

Outside of this there are few other ways of protecting some of your permanents they shall know no fear

Galadriels dismissal cost about £7-8 but only protects creatures from the bounce. It doesn't however prevent it from hitting noncreature value and still opens your board up for a swing.

Reprieve is the next best thing to a counterspell as it wastes their turn and has its uses outside of Cyclonic Rift, but it can still be recast overloaded if they have the mana so it doesn't really solve it.

Lastly that I know of is Aven interrupter, which plots it, but is extremely hyperspecialised as it let's other boardwalks and similar issues you need to deal with on the stack, resolve for free on a later turn. (This however is the Favorite as an autoinclude since it actually deals with the cyc Rift rather than opening ones self up.

I want to know if other people have ways of dealing with the spell outside of blue that they have found?