Input delay is horrendous

My defender made a tackle and I was spamming the button to clear, either the game didn’t register or it was complete scripting or both. You can clearly see the defender making the tackle and then moving away from the ball to give my opponent space to shoot and score. This was in the 88th minute by the way.

I just can’t comprehend how bad the input lag is. Football is all about reaction and fast timing, the fact that you have to wait 10s before the player reacts to your input is insane. In fact I thought there was something wrong with my controller, so I went back to play FIFA 22 to test the theory, and that game was so much smoother, virtually no input delay at all. I don’t understand how every year EA makes the game worse.

I am also on XBOX SERIES S, not sure if Series X and PC players have it better.