Airwrap + wow dream coat

I don’t know how to fight my frizzy hair and flyaways, I’ve tried multiple products for frizz and finally got wow coat after seeing it in recommendations so many times (this sub included). So far seems like none of them worked? My hair is still super frizzy, I do apply generous amount and blow dry using tension and in sections, so I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or it just doesn’t work for me 😩 I want to love this product but it seems like a lot of work and effort, and it’s not cheap and you have to spray a lot, I have 50ml and it’s almost done and I used it just twice. Also I’m not sure if these flyaways might be breakage? Not sure if I saw it on this sub, but it was something about how stain breaks hair and that’s why many people end up with short flyaways throughout the hair length, is it true?