Why do garrett wilson and chris olave get so much slack?

As a literal ohio state fan, i would love if people without ripping my head off could explain to me why garret wilson and chris olave get rated so high for fantasy purposes. I love both the players and think they’re both very talented, but they’re both ranked top 9 as of the last time I checked on KTC. If you approach a GW or Olave owner about a potential trade they scoff at you and act like they’re in the jefferson/tier chase despite not having the production to back it up. Olave has one of the murkiest quarterback situations in the league on a team that’s in cap space hell and GW is depending on aaron rodgers to be elite after a down season in his last season with the packers and an achilles tear at the age of 40. Is the hype purely speculative or what is it that I’m not seeing?