Putting crystal meth up your backside
I’m a bisexual man in the UK where crystal meth is not a commonly used drug among the general population, in the same way that cannabis, cocaine, crack, heroin , etc. are.
In the UK, crystal meth use is largely confined to gay and bi men to enhance their sexual experiences with one another. This is the gay subculture of “chemsex”. In the chemsex subculture, meth is known as “T” and “Tina”. Some people inject (or “slam”, as gay men call it, while others smoke, and others put it up their backside (this is known as “booty bumping”).
I just wanted to know, is putting shards up your backside dangerous to any of your internal organs? Can it leave permanent and irreparable damage? I mean if you only did it one time during a single session and didn’t do it long-term? I know people melt the shards and inject the resulting liquid into the anus, but what if you were just putting unmelted shards up there?
I did this (and put several shards up my backside) several times during a recent “Chemsex” session me and another guy were having. Have I done potential permanent damage to my insides or anus?