Disturbing dream about dead baby.
What does this mean? I think it might be in relation to a post I saw before bed even though it didn't effect me, it might have effected me internally. ( This one to be exact https://www.latintimes.com/idaho-police-track-down-teen-accused-putting-dead-baby-safe-haven-box-566921 ) My dream was about me, giving birth to a bloody, dead baby, even though I never have sex and me throwing it away out of fear of getting in trouble and being unable to take care of it. It was terribly long and scary, and I can't remember a lot of it. I don't think it has any meaning besides I just saw something terrible before bed, but it really scared me because I couldn't imagine throwing out a child like that. Maybe it was just a nightmare but wow, very real, very gory, very sad. It sucked and I was deeply disturbed. Maybe somebody else has had a dream like this.