Lv 20 Fighter | Steam | Endgame build & gear | SphinxMother moniker
👍 or ❤️ her. Really appreciate it.
This is a new save I just created. If you have thoughts and suggestions on how to make her even stronger, do not hesitate to let me know.
Steam friend code: 997304635 Pawn ID: M5XRP093G2XI
Inclination: Straightforward Specialization: Woodland Wordsmith Moniker: SphinxMother (without spoilers, useful in one of the quest)
Weapon skills - CloudwardSlash - Full Moon Slash - Shield Pummel - Hindsight Sweep
Augments - Exaltation - Mettle - Apotropaism - Dominance - Constancy - Provocation
Equipment - Dragon's Dogma - Subjugator's Sallet - Stygian Omen - Vanguarder's Greaves - Admiral's Mantle - Ring of Vehemence - Ring of Disfavor All Dwarven enhanced
p.s. I'm using transmog mod so what appears to be worn in the screenshot is NOT the actual equipment being used
Pawn quest will change to earn field (camping) badge after receiving first hire. It seems that the game doesn't allow me to change the pawn quest before that.
Feel free to propose any reward you wish to have, or by default Allheal Elixir x5