DrDisrespect Banned From Twitch Megapost Part 2


As of now, we still have no idea why the doc was banned. While many baseless and frankly insane theories have been circling around there has been no update from any reliable sources. As soon as any trustworthy information is received from reliable sources I will update.

The previous post can be seen if you follow this link.

The only update we received was from Mrs. Assassin with the following message: “The outpouring of love, support, strength and kindness from the arena has truly been overwhelming.You all have made my heart full and I cannot thank you enough. No one better out there than the CC. You guys are amazing! Much love to you all <3”.

I ask that all discussion be kept to this single post. All other new posts will be removed and deleted. Please report all harassment, disgusting language, and behavior. As L4YER_CAK3 put it on the official discord “None of the mods know what happened or why Doc was banned - until then relax, keep an eye on Docs twitter and most of all stay Champion like.“

Racism and Bigotry will not be tolerated, and you will be banned.

Repetitive, baseless rumors, trolling, and speculative posts will be removed.