Leaving notes for customers

Hello! I wasn’t sure what flare to use for this, but I wanted to share something that I do during my dashes to make people’s days a little nicer.

I went to my local dollar store and picked up some sticky notes, a mini stapler, and used a pen that I had lying around to write customers little notes.

Usually they have something similar to:

Thank you for your order[s]!

Have a great day/night!

Your dasher, and then my name.

Sometimes I will change it depending on what I’m picking up. If its makeup or something from Ulta or Sephora, I always include that they’re beautiful, and if it’s a product for a pet, for instance dog food, I write down a little “woof woof,” and translate it.

This is by no means to get an extra tip out of people. I genuinely wanted to leave little notes to maybe help people out of a hard day or just give them a little boost. Sometimes, the customer will give an extra tip, and sometimes they simply thank me for the note.

I just wanted to show what I do to make my job feel more rewarding and like it matters more than it feels sometimes.