[Hiring] Multiple Jobs - From Creating a Job Gig App, Instagram Researcher and video Downloader, Image Generator, etc (pay is $30 to $200 per month
For the Gig App:
I am looking for someone to help create a job gig app that people can input their information in and employers can post their jobs. Think of an app like "Veryable". Simple. Budget is $150 for this.
For Instagram Job:
I'm seeking a person that can do research on sports videos and download them and organize them with the link where you got the video from on google drive spreadsheet, etc
This is a $50 job (per month), can be up to 75 if we have a good working relationship; seeking about 20 to 40 videos; this is likely just a one or as I need you type gig, even though I say month here.
Videos will be loaded in google drive. I am looking for a specific length if possible as well.
For the Image Generator:
This is a monthly paid gig. I am willing to someone be my image generation assistant so that they are paid. Pay is starting $50 per month; with room to eventually grow.
Looking for 40 to 60 good quality images per day and 5 days of work. May take you 200 to 300 generations to get those.
This is NOT like the images I have that I sell on my own in other posts, as those are both AI and hand drawn and photoshoped over and over and over. Takes a long while.
If you're interested in these, let me know. All pay rates will likely increase over time, once I generate from these of course.