Moralism = Centrism = Bad?

Maybe I'm not quite understanding all the aspects of the debate, but after playing the game I've seen discussions here about how the game is leveling the most  criticism at the Moralintern and moralism.

Aside from the question of whether the interpreted criticism of the Moralintern is accurate to any counterpart the Moralintern might have in the real world, I'm puzzled as to how much people see and identify with criticism of moralism in the game as a philosophy and how it's being likened to centrism in our world.

Given the state of US politics today as an example, it's quite clear that the solution is not for the both deeply opposed sides to further entrench themselves in their positions and increase the divide further, leading to chaos and disaster, but to instead find compromise/understanding through the rationality of centrism and the "middle way".

Some have pointed out, and I find this pretty ridiculous, that the "fascists" are less criticized by the game (and in life?) than then moralists/centrists because at least the fascists marked a clear line in the sand! ("Yea! Good for them!")...Right. Is that really the case or is that just some people's interpretation?

Am I off base in my understanding of that discussion or what's the deal with all this hate for moralism/centrism?