Just Received FiiO JM21, size comparison to Sony ZX507, Sony ZX707 and iBasso DX180
Just received this. Build is way better than the HIBY M300, and it’s pretty thin compared to the other daps in the pics. Sound is clean and powerful. Truthfully didn’t expect it to sound like crap since it’s got CS43198 dual DACs. Typing is sluggish for sure. Expected better from the newer SD680. I know we don’t buy daps to type but it’s definitely noticeable compared to my Sonys and the DX180
Did a blind test of the iBasso DX180 (3rd from the right) and sounds similar but can tell that the iBasso seems to have more depth. More punch for sure.
Used 3.5mm Canta by kiwi ears to compare to the HIBY m300 and I can tell you the HIBY is a toy and sounds like garbage compared to the Fiio. For the same price, I’d take the JM21 all day and twice on Sundays lol
Also used 4.4 with my MP145s and the Fiio has no problem with powering it up to 85% volume with no issues. Other than being deaf after the test.
I have to say, I bought this during 11/11 preorder for $169 with a $25 coupon. So I paid like $155 USD with tax. And I’d buy it at $200 no problem.
Since I don’t have the R4, I can’t really compare those two but I really like the slimness of the Fiio and this is going to work as my primary travel DAP