[Real] (18/01/2024) Day 0 Progress: What I'm starting with

I'm trying to improve my life, which i've tried to do for a long time but with only some success. I believe I am trying to change too much so I always fail. I'm going to spend this day listing off my starting situation for everything that I want to improve on. I won't be trying to make progress on all of these at the same time but I'm making this so I have something to look back on.

Starting Situation

  • Career: I do not have a job. Struggle a lot with working on it. I've been "seriously" trying to job search since 2 weeks ago and have only sent one application and updated my resume. I live off my parents money

  • Cleaning: Our place is messy, like 6.5/10 messy. There's too many things. Many things are hard to get or find. Everytime I look around and notice the mess I feel a bit overwhelmed and annoyed.

  • Diet: I eat like shit. Fast food like 4x/week. Lots of microwave meals. I'm too lazy to even fry eggs most of the time. Sometimes I get the motivation to cook something decent but that's like 2x/week at most. I eat like 1 vegetable serving and some fruit on a good day.

  • Exercise: I exercise like 3x/week. Badminton. I want to get back into weightlifting though.

  • Mental Health: I'm much better than I used to be. I find it hard to want to do anything on many days. Other than that my mood is within normal range I think. I have low self esteem because of my appearance and because I often times don't keep to my word.

  • Music: I want to get back into the piano and the guzheng. I play like 2x/month for <20 minutes..

  • Physical Health: I'm about 200lb right now, which makes my BMI 36.6. I feel kinda like shit all the time. And I am easily out of breath. Also I believe I have sleep apnea because of my weight. I always need "more sleep" and pretty much never feel restful.

  • Skin Care: I don't have terrible skin but I have some acne on the chin and the texture isn't great. I take care of my skin about 3x/week.

  • Sleep: I sleep too much. 11hr/day average. Ranges between 9-13hrs.

  • Teeth: this is embarassing but my teeth care has never been good.. recently its been on average about 3 brushings a week? And flossing is like twice a week. Sometimes I go a long time without teeth care..

  • Weed Usage: I used to get high everyday all day. Recently with the change to edibles I can go a day, mayyyyybe 2 days without weed. On average about 24 edibles a week. I am not very functional when high. My memory is shit when high, like worryingly bad. I spend about $100/month on weed


So my plan for now is to make an easy/medium difficulty list of tasks to do each day. The hope is that I will accomplish these not-too-hard goals and maybe even build the ability to accomplish more things over time. Ok will report tomorrow