It’s definitely a flare up, but of what?
35/F No other health problems.
I had to take a week off work in June because I got a mysterious illness. Bloating, stomach cramps, unbelievable fatigue, diarrhea, and body aches. We thought it was a parasite because I went on vacation to SE Asia in April. It was not a parasite or h. Pylori. I also had a full blood panel done and everything came out fine.
Eventually it went away on its own. Perhaps coincidentally after taking Mebenzadol (my fecal test wasn’t back from the lab yet and I took it just in case).
Now I’m sitting here a week sick from work AGAIN for exactly the same reason. Nothing triggered it, it’s just…there again.
Now here’s where the tmi comes in. My farts. They smell weird. And they only have ever smelled this way during these two periods of illness.
My worst fear is I have fibromyalgia or CFS or one of those vague diseases that no one believes women truly have. Please tell me that’s not it.