curse you marmot code
The past few days I've been plagued with marmot errors and it's getting worse and worse. It used to happen every hour or so and now it's down to 10 seconds with the game being open I get the marmot error. So far I've put in brand new RAM, installed the game on all 4 of my separate drives, clean install windows, and brand new drivers, tried to do the regedit thing from another post, tried changing the Destiny 2 file to d2backup, I've verified so many times I can't count on each of those 4 drivers. Yet, nothing has worked or shown any promise of working. It's the only game that has issues every other game I have on any of my drives works fine with no problems. I'm out of ideas and I've read through as many troubleshooting posts as I can so if anyone has a different idea or something that could work I would love to hear it.