Do you think Lynette was the closest to Mary Alice when she was alive?

I noticed that in ss1 Lynette saw Mary Alice in hallucinations (due to the ADD meds she was taking?) and in a later season she also had a dream about her. If i remember correctly Lynette is the only one with this kind of experience regarding Mary Alice (well apart from Bree in the last season). This makes me think she was the closest to Mary Alice or at least understood her at a deeper level.

Of course one can argue it was Susan bc she was the one who moved to the lane just after Mary Alice did so they hung out with each other for a much longer time. What do you think?

I noticed that in ss1 Lynette saw Mary Alice in hallucinations (due to the ADD meds she was taking?) and in a later season she also had a dream about her. If i remember correctly Lynette is the only one with this kind of experience regarding Mary Alice (well apart from Bree in the last season). This makes me think she was the closest to Mary Alice or at least understood her at a deeper level.

Of course one can argue it was Susan bc she was the one who moved to the lane just after Mary Alice did so they hung out with each other for a much longer time. What do you think?