Rasasi Hawas from Khanna Brothers - Comparison

I recently bought Rasasi Hawas for Rs. 2650/- from Nitish Khanna. There were rumours spreading that hawas in the market for that price is fake and should be avoided but given my past expereince with Khanna brothers i decided to give it a try, reason being the price and my past experience with them. It recently got delivered. I'll be comparing it with my 2023 batch and try to get into detailed. For the reference 2023 Batch will be on LEFT hand side and Khanna Bros' 2024 batch is on the Right hand side. 1. The Box : The quality of both the boxes is the same, fonts, printing colour and Emirates qualilty mark is same, only difference is the batch code and manufacturing date (obviously). 2. The Bottles and Juice level : Bottle is same too and unlike the other post, the juice level is full (as seen in the picture). 3. The Cap : Here in new 2024 batch 'Rasasi' engraving comes on top of it. The Size, Weight and Texture on the cap is identical.

  1. The Fragrance : To my surprise, even the smell of both the fragrances is the same, even though its out of the box. In new 2024 bottle, even juice came out after 3rd press, so i dont think so there is any kind of taking juice out of the bottle and that may be manufacturing defect.

The Verdict : After looking thoroughly at both the bottles, i find nothing odd in the new 2024 batch, not in the packaging and most importantly in the Juice itself. Rasasi Hawas for 2650/- is a steal deal and I got the genuine product from Khanna brothers. If your pocket allows, go for it. Its OG on its own.