I've had dermatillomania basically my whole life and it feels pointless to keep trying to stop

I(22f) have had dermatillomania since I was about 8 so basically as long as I remember. For me it presents as picking at the skin on the sides of my nails(not cuticles). I also am autistic and am working on an OCD diagnosis.

I've had times where for a week or month or whatever I quit and I don't know why, nothing seems to be different when I don't do it. I honestly don't even notice when it's a time I've quit doing it until one day I look at my fingers and see no spots healing from being picked. My life isn't any less stressful when I quit. I've tried painting my nails, wearing fake nails, various fidget stuff, therapy, SSRIs and haven't found anything that consistently works to help me not pick.

It doesn't help that when I research dermatillomania I see so many medical websites saying how it's possible to have long stretches of time without picking but most likely people with dermatillomania will relapse. I've been dealing with this for 14+ years and it seems pointless to keep trying to stop.

I know I'm not the only one that has felt this way. How do you combat the hopeless feeling that comes with fighting this? Is there anyone else that has autism and/or OCD and deals with this?