Putting the flower garden to bed--Advice needed!
This is a photo of my flowered front yard in mid-June. Since then I've had tons of sunflowers, cosmos, black-eyed susans, other daisy-like things, and other CO wildflowers blooming. I also have some sages and yarrows. I've got two giant Russian sages and a couple of big catmint plants too.
Now that they are all pretty much brown & crispy (nice decor for Spooky Season!), I need to clean things up, or at least I think so!
What do I pull up? What do I cut back, and how much? Do I do this now? Do I wait until spring? There is so much conflicting advice out there. I want to be good to the bugs that use the dead foliage to hibernate (or whatever) and also not have my yard look like just a pile of sticks all winter.
I appreciate all suggestions!