One of the things I really love about Denver -

is how you guys do not tolerate bullshit, even when people aren’t looking, especially in terms of politics and protecting those that have a need to be protected (working immigrants, small businesses, homeless, elderly, children who are at risk of being deported in ICE raids). It’s sooooooo nice to live in a place where common sense is common.

I really REALLY hated coming from Florida and seeing groups showing their pro-nazism on the weekends on corners close to home, spots near UCF. That kind of stuff and how easily tolerated, the “don’t bother them if they’re not bothering you” crap always made me sick. Here? None of that. It actually makes you guys angry and you DO something about it. I also love how much noise you guys make when these things come up. They’re almost immediately shut the fuck down and change is made in the peoples’ name, not in favor of money as a priority. It genuinely makes me proud to be here and to be a part of this city.