We shouldn’t call people monsters.

Referring to people as monsters dehumanizes them. Making it harder for people to believe that their neighbor, friend, coworker, family member is capable of committing atrocities.

“Only a monster could do something like that, they aren’t a monster, I talk to them all the time.”

No they are a monster. They are human beings. People that smile in your face. Bake cakes. Invite you to BBQs. Attend church. Have families. People that are quiet and to themselves. People that are loud and boisterous. People that you normally would trust.

They are in fact human beings, like all of us. Human being that have done horrendous, un fathomable things, but human beings non the less.

“Othering” them does more harm to us in the long run.

Edit: Calling them monsters makes it easier to see their actions as something alien or exceptional rather than recognizing that ordinary people are capable of extraordinary harm.

Edit 2: It feels as though many of you are simply reading the title and then commenting. It’s Reddit what did expect. Lol