Thinking of doing a Godzilla vs Miku trailer…but this time, YOU CAN PARTICIPATE! (Details below)

Ok so for this one I’m going to include some fan art throughout as well as your own thumbnails. For the Fan art only rule is that you must be the OC yourself and that your signature is included somewhere on the art. For thumbnails there is going to be a specific requirement, for this I’ll be making it Hatsune Miku vs Godzilla and NOT Godzilla vs Hatsune Miku, basically Miku has to be on the left while Godzilla is on the right. Other than that, let’s have fun with it

Ok so for this one I’m going to include some fan art throughout as well as your own thumbnails. For the Fan art only rule is that you must be the OC yourself and that your signature is included somewhere on the art. For thumbnails there is going to be a specific requirement, for this I’ll be making it Hatsune Miku vs Godzilla and NOT Godzilla vs Hatsune Miku, basically Miku has to be on the left while Godzilla is on the right. Other than that, let’s have fun with it