I compiled data from my last 132 games into a bunch of charts.
I went on Tracklock and compiled data on all the games I played since ranked queue has been merged with the normal queue. I noted down each game's average lobby rank, how Tracklock rated my performance (#1-#12) and whether I won or lost the game.
- I have no idea what I'm doing and just thought this would be fun.
- Tracklock shows people's last ranked ranks instead of their current ones, but I checked a few random games and the lobby average rank seems to match up with what the game says; I'm not 100% sure how accurate it is tho.
- I didn't filter out games with griefers, cheaters, or instant abandons; there is no way for me to accurately remember those without watching all the demos.
- Tracklock's method of ranking all players #1-#12 only takes the raw stats into account; things like griefing, cheating, impactful macro plays or plays that throw the game can't be measured.
- I only partied up with friends a single time; the other 131 games were SoloQ.
- I haven't abandoned a single game.
- My current rank is Oracle 1.
Anyway, here are the charts:
TL;DR Play better on average = win more on average