The Faster You Go the Longer it Will Take
I think some people really need to hear this:
This is the one piece of wisdom I wish I could have given myself when I started trading 6 years ago.
If you want this dream of yours to work out in the long run, settle the F* in. You’ve heard it before, but good trading is generally very boring, and it should be. You should be repeating the same trades over and over and over because that’s what your experience and backtesting has proven.
If you’re trading for the thrill of it, we’ll gladly escort you to the door, or you can just go ahead and hand over your money to us boring traders.
Every time you try to take a shortcut, you’re fing yourself. Every time you oversize, you’re fing yourself. Every time you jump the gun or chase a trade that’s already gone, you’re f*ing yourself.
Calm down and settle in! You want this to work? Then act like a professional, and stop acting like a 3 year old who didn’t get their way. The market cares 0.
I’ve been there, it took me years of pain to finally understand that trying to rush the process is like quicksand. The quicker you move, the farther you will sink. These are just the facts - as immutable as Newton’s laws.
It will take however long it’s going to take - ultimately the only thing you can do is remain disciplined.