Bowie & ‘Real Music’

An awful lot of the time, Bowie seems to get grouped in to the discussion of ‘real music’ discussion along with the likes of the Beatles and Queen, you know the kind of thing I’m on about, that whole ‘I don’t listen to rap, I listen to REAL music like Led Zeppelin’. The true irony of the situation, of course, is Bowie would hate the kind of people who say these types of things, given that he always put forward rap and dance as the future of music, and was constantly attempting to innovate and take in new sounds (he wasn’t labelled a chameleon for nothing, you know). It also seems that these people musn’t REALLY care all too much about Bowie, given that ‘Low’ and ‘Blackstar’ are two of his most acclaimed albums (Blackstar going to number 1) and both contain heavy doses of electronic, dance, AND hip-hop. Just something curious I’ve noticed