I had a great voting experience in Dallas
So I voted yesterday. I didn't know what to expect with all the vitirol floating around. It took me 15 minutes. . 10 people in line and all machines occupied. Steady flow in and out. I was impressed considering the length and complexity of the Dallas ballot.
The guy monitoring the line was a professional magician who's performed with David Copperfield and is in the magician Hall of Fame. He was doing incredible card tricks while we waited. He was also very professional and made sure everyone stowed their phones and followed the rules. Put everyone in a good mood. The lady checking my ID was also friendly and helpful. and we're older and a poll worker asked if we were ok standing in line. I wanted to stay to watch the show. They should have entertainment at all the polling places....8^D.
Vote early if you can. You just might be entertained as well.