How The Batman absolutely should appear on THE PENGUIN HBO series.
So there's been discourse debated around how or if Batman should appear in the Penguin series, whether it would cheapen the show or strengthen it.
To be there is a very obvious and rare opportunity to showcase Batman while doing something totally and completely different and never before seen.
The Penguin is told from Penguin's POV, a villians for once. He is the under dog protagonist trying to climb the rungs.
There should be a setup drop for supplies or some kind of big trade to be made. Then all of the sudden all hell breaks looks. We see the POV of either Penguin or Victor as all of the sudden henchmen start getting snatched into the shadows. The whole thing suddenly becomes a horror survival moment from a totally unseen assailant.
How about we never actually see Batman, just as intended the criminals are experiencing the full Plato's Cave smoke and mirrors side of Batmans' assault, it's just smoke bombs, screams and shadows.
One by one men getting pulled up into the rafters screaming, falling down getting knocked out and dragged away as one character is fleeing for their life.
Just a wraith in the night stopping them cold in their tracks.
So TLDR, a horror survival style encounter with Batman who we never actually see but feel everywhere in a moment that displays his awe and prowess told totally from the POV of a scared S-less henchman.