EZA SS2/3 Goku and Kid Buu attack and defense stats!
Heyo! Here with some quick calcs for the newly revealed EZAs! Usual business for me, 200% team, rainbow'd and all links active/level 10. I also put their post EZA'd base stats and what they get via hidden potential!
Hope you enjoy! They're ridiculous!
PHY SS2 Goku
HP 18455(+5400)
ATK 13910(+5000)
DEF 9693(+4600)
Attack stat
SS2: 16,382,926
SS3, first 6 turns: 32,332,696
SS3, after 6 turns: 28,291,105
Defense stat(After 2 supers in a turn)
SS2, HP below 77%: 1,415,007
SS2, HP Above 77%: 2,358,345
SS3, first 6 turns: 3,001,530
SS3, after 6 turns: 1,800,918
STR Kid Buu
HP 24271(+5000)
ATK 13988(+5400)
DEF 6653(+4600)
Attack stat(With 3+ Majin Power/Majin Buu Saga allies)
First attack: 10,577,731
Fully stacked: 27,502,098
Fully stacked after active: 33,002,522
Defense stats(With 3+ Majin Power/Majin Buu Saga allies)
First and only super in a turn, before 6 hits have been received: 1,077,587
Fully stacked, after 2 supers before 6 hits have been received: 2,668,311
Fully stacked, after 2 supers: 2,200,186